[ATARI] Dadhacker, THe Atari ST (parte 2)

Jesus Cea jcea at jcea.es
Sun Mar 8 00:24:03 CET 2020


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The Atari ST, Part 2
Posted on April 9, 2008 by landon	

My memory of the ST project is scattered and biased, but here’s how I
remember it, starting in July of 1984.  There are a lot of details
missing; for the most part I remember the bits that I worked on, but the
other folks on the project almost certainly remember different or
conflicting stuff.  Forgive my omissions in advance; it’s been a while.

    July: Tramiels buy Atari and consolidate the people that they don’t
lay off into a single building. The “ST” plan is bandied about, but
nobody knows a whole lot.

    August: The ST hardware becomes clearer. We evaluate other OSes, etc.

    September: Work starts in Monterey, near the Digital Research campus.

    October: Work. We get (rented) houses in Monterey.

    November: More work. We barely see those houses.

    December: Much more work. The ST boots TOS for the first time.

    January: CES (with STs running CP/M-68K). Decision made to move to
new file system (GEMDOS).

    February: 16K boot ROMs written (a couple-week side effort).

    March: Even more work. Two weeks to crunch TOS to fit into 192K.

    April: ROMs actually work (do you know how long it takes to burn
192K of ROM, not to mention UV-erasing older chips?)
    May: ROM TOS 1.0 shipped.  Phew!

Well, and there are some details.

– – – –

The other engineer was screaming at me: “If you’ll be patient with me,
I’ll be patient with you!”

He stomped away to his office. Not his real office, which he would have
been delighted to stomp back to. His real office was in Digital Research
nirvana, in the buildings that we were forbidden to visit. Instead he
had to be happy with stomping off to his crappy shared office in the
building where he was temporarily relocated, where he had to work with .
. . us. The pushy Atari guys. The hicks from Silly Valley who just
wanted stuff to work.

We’d been in the satellite building next to the DRI campus for several
months. Early prototype hardware was still maybe a month away (though we
didn’t know that then). The pressure to get something working was
intense, and the truth about what we had purchased from DRI was becoming
clear: The software wasn’t technically sweet, and getting it running on
the Atari hardware wasn’t a matter of just doing a port because large
parts of GEM simply weren’t finished.

Theoretically you can write very portable code in C. As long as you
stick to certain rules and have a reasonable degree of paranoia you have
a good chance of your code running on different platforms, with minimal
effort. The best way to do this is to have your code running, from day
one, on several different machines using several different compilers.
DRI had not done this with everything, and the resulting issues ranged
from simple errors that were caught by the compiler and were easily
fixed, to deeper issues that required design work if the code was going
to run on anything other than an 8086. It was slow, frustrating, and
there was a lot of friction. And some yelling.

That’s a dismal picture of the DRI / Atari relationship. Very often,
things worked great. Some of the DRI guys were hilarious and fun to work
with. But we all had our faults. If the worst of the DRI engineers
thought they were programming gods who could code no wrong, then the
worst of the Atari engineers were pushy bastards who just wanted stuff
to work. Sometimes things clicked, but sometimes we were like scorpions
in a bottle.

I forget what the “patience” argument was about. The other engineer was
right, or I was right, or maybe we were both horribly wrong. An hour
later we apologized to each other and sat down and just got the job
done. But a couple of years later, long after we had returned to Atari’s
Sunnyvale office, we still remembered that argument in lunchtime banter.

– – – –

The Atari side of the ST software team roughly broke down into six small

Graphics. Two or three guys took the DRI-specified graphics layer and
wrote font renderers, blits, line-drawing and other primitives. In my
opinion the graphics guys were having the most fun, and since they were
video game programmers (well, technically speaking, ex video game
programmers now) they were running architectural rings around the rather
pedestrian graphics abstractions that DRI had decided on. The graphics
primitives on the ST had interesting extensions, and GEM only used a
subset of what was available.

Porting Getting GEM working. Two or three more of our people were
helping get GEM onto the 68000. This wasn’t just “compile, debug, rinse,
repeat” deal, since GEM wasn’t really finished. These guys worked really
closely with DRI engineers every day, and they were probably the most
frustrated of us all.

BIOS (drivers) and OS (two guys, including me). Straight-forward systems
bringup stuff. Lots of work, but mostly ho-hum.

Infrastructure: Build wrangling, source management, odd-and-ends, and
pithy observations about the nature of humanity as it pertained to its
use of computers, and in particular, nasty habits in source code. We
didn’t use source control. I’m not sure we even used diff. Mostly we had
several directories-full of source files that were compiled by a guy who
knew how to do it. Rustic, but it worked.

Applications. Well, application, we had a guy working on porting the DRI
Basic. It was pretty much a disaster, though the work eventually did get
done. I have vague memories of an engineer hired by the Tramiels who
didn’t do a very good job — I think he ran into a bunch of portability
minefields, got discouraged and beat up on by management (we hadn’t
truly grokked the unpolished and unported state of a lot of the DR
software yet). He wound up quitting or being fired, and I can’t remember

Morale (in the form of a very friendly german shepherd doggie, who was
capable of playing frisbee far beyond human endurance; very useful for

– – – –

Before the ST hardware started to work, we had to use existing
68000-based systems for cross development. The graphics guys had Apple
Lisas that were running CP/M-68K; the Lisas had nice bitmap displays
which we used as “practice” STs. The disks on these machines took
forever to come back after a crash (tens of minutes). For some reason
the boot code on these machines had been written to display a bitmap of
a fish. You’d hear a mutter or curse from down the hall (crash), then
the creaky footsteps of someone walking around, cooling their heels and
waiting for their “God damned” Lisa Profile drives to boot, then a
triumphant yell “CarpDOS!” and typing sounds.

The BIOS/OS guys had some Motorola VME-10 workstations that were (ahem)
“Unix Ready!” (the boxes they came in said so, in large, proud letters)
but instead we had them running CP/M-68K, and I’m sure they felt sad
inside; I know I did. The VME-10 systems were very flaky; my own system
died and needed repairs three times in six months. (A year and a half
later, Gary Tramiel, the son who was heading the financial arm of Atari,
asked us if we were still using the VME systems. By then we had moved
all our development over to the ST itself, and the VMEs were gathering
dust in a corner. “Hell no,” I said. “Fine,” said Gary, “Then we won’t
pay the repair bill.” A good lesson in the Tramiel school of start-up

– – – –

DRI had us housed in an old TV studio building (KMST, if you care) that
was about a hundred yards from the rest of their buildings. The building
was cold and creaky, and when it rained (which, during the fall and
winter we were there, was a lot) the steps got pretty slippery.

Typical workday: Get up and do the usual stuff (coffee!) in our rented
house in Carmel, two blocks from the beach. Usually we could hear the
ocean, and sometimes I’d get quick beach fix in, if it wasn’t raining.
Drive five miles to DRI, go up the creaky steps without breaking my
neck. Make awful instututional-style coffee from the horrid little mylar
bags of Columbian bridge-sweepings (put two in, just to make sure the
coffee isn’t totally crappy).

Go into the office. Huh, the VME/10 won’t boot again. Flip power switch
on and off for a while until it finally works (leave it on the rest of
the day).

Make a backup right now because (a) it’s a nice, warm fuzzy feeling,
especially when you can’t trust your stupid workstation to even fucking
turn on, and (b) was the one I did last night at 1am really any good?

Flail about at drivers. Trace through file system code that mostly
works, but sometimes doesn’t. Wish for working hardware. Try to decode
the latest spec from the hardware guys. Stare at the ceiling (“That
doesn’t make any sense.”) Stare at the wall (“That can’t possibly
work.”) Write some more code anyway.

– – – –

There was a bug that had been causing all kinds of grief; some kind of
simple botch. I’d spent half of the previous day working out exactly
what was going on, and it turned out to be in some DRI code. I groaned.
Not that guy again.

The DRI engineer responsible for that part of the system was notoriously
arrogant. I tried to explain the problem to him, down to the offending
line of code, and he was objecting all the way. But later I overheard
him saying to his office mate, “Hey, I found a bug in my code that could
explain that weird problem.”

This just drove us batshit.

I took a doggie break. One of the Atari engineers had a wonderful german
shepard named Divot. You could take Divot outside with a frisbee and
she’d play fetch until one of you dropped from exhaustion (and she could
fetch for hours). It’s hard to get worked up about a screwed-up OS when
someone is utterly dependent on you for the next frisbee toss.

“He’s a bozo, Divot.”


“So what if he came from HugeCorp and did systems programming on
machines so big he couldn’t lift them; he’s a graduate of the Arrogant
Jerk Academy and he doesn’t know how to interact with humans.”

“Woof, woof!” [Speaking of interacting, throw the stupid thing already,

I went back inside. Whereupon: Much more programming, a late-night run
for chinese food of dubious quality, and work, work, work. One big happy
family, hatching an operating system out of thin air and ego and fear.
Oh yeah.

– – – –

CP/M-68K was an “Operating System” that had its roots in the 70s. About
ten years earlier Gary Kildall had worked on some DEC PDP-11 systems,
liked them, and had been inspired to write a small OS for the very early
8080-based microcomputers. For years CP/M had been a defacto standard.
Gary had started a company called Inter-Galactic Digital Research to
further develop and market it. MSDOS had only been out for a couple of
years, and DRI (renamed — sensibly losing the Intergalatic bit so that
people, especially conversative suit-types, would take them more
seriously) was vying for market share with a port of CP/M to the 8086,
the CPU of the IBM-PC.

CP/M-68K was a port the 68000, and was the OS that the Tramiels had
contracted for.

CP/M (in any of its variants) didn’t really do a whole lot. There was a
simple flat file system. There was some character-at-a-time console
output (useless on a computer with a graphical interface). And CP/M
could load and programs. That was about it. (By modern standards it was
missing: A heirarchical file system with directories, networking, memory
management, processes and process scheduling, a notion of time,
synchronization and locking primitives, a driver architecture, graphics,
fonts, character sets . . . you get the idea).

GEM was was bolted on top of this primitive base. Since the underlying
OS didn’t support more than one task, GEM had a lot of its own stuff to
enable things like “desk accessories” that could run concurrently with
(say) a word processor. It was pretty clunky.

None of us liked CP/M-68K. So when we heard that someone at DRI had been
doing something much better, even though it was still unfinished, we
unofficially jumped at it. GEMDOS started as a skunkworks project by a
DRI engineer who had a reputation for being a loose canon. GEMDOS had a
heirarchical file system that was compatible with MSDOS; it had a few
other improvements, but this was the biggie. But in December 1984 GEMDOS
was still being written.

The STs that went to the CES show were running CP/M-68K. In late
January, after a bunch of hand-wringing, Leonard Tramiel made the
decision to go with GEMDOS. We’d had it substantially working for
several weeks, and it looked like it was going to be fine. Notably we
did not have any hard disks to try it out on, so all of our testing was
done on floppy disk based systems — this would come back to hit us hard

– – – –

It was pretty clear that TOS was going to be late. But we had the boot
code working fine, so we spent a few weeks doing a small 16K loader ROM.
All it did was paint some pretty graphics, load a sector from floppy
disk and run it. We sent the boot ROM images out without actually
knowning if they’d boot an OS, but they worked fine.

Around the time the boot ROMs were sent off, the software team was
feeling pretty blue. Things were taking much longer than we had
expected; there were lots of bugs to fix, there were missing features,
there were features that would never make it into the product, and it
was pretty clear that the Mac had us outclassed. Also, most of us were
feeling pretty burned-out.

Jack Tramiel called a meeting. We didn’t often meet with him, and it was
a big deal. He started by saying, “I hear you are unhappy.” Think of a
deep, authoritarian voice, a lot like Darth Vader, and the same
attitude, pretty much.
Sorry, Jack, things aren’t going all that hot. We tried to look humble,
but we probably just came across as tired.
“I don’t understand why you are unhappy,” he rumbled. “You should be
very happy; I am paying your salary. I am the one who is unhappy. The
software is late. Why is it so late?”

Young and idealistic, I piped up: “You know, I don’t think we’re in this
for the money. I think we just want to ship the best computer we can –”

Jack shut me down. “Then you won’t mind if I cut your salary in half?”

I got the message. He didn’t even have to use the Force.
– – – –

We got busy again and shipped the first ROM-based systems a month or two
later. My memory of this has really faded, but a few things stick:

TOS wasn’t going to fit even in the 192K of ROM. It was well over 200K
(210? 220?) and still climbing. So for two weeks everyone dropped what
they were doing and started removing code. It’s amazing how much stuff
you can toss out if you really try. Our linker didn’t do dead-code
stripping, but even if it had that wouldn’t have shown us the fat pieces
of common code, the pathetic reimplementations of strlen and strcpy that
were everywhere, and the useless crap and horrible layering that could
be replaced with a few simple lines of code.

[I’ve since found that removing code is a great way to improve an
existing system; not only do you get rid of a lot of bugs, but the
result is usually easier to understand, and often runs faster. Have a
large, unwieldy project that takes forever to build and you have trouble
making changes to? Wade in and start deleting. Become a ruthless of
constructive destruction; if you accidentally nuke something critical,
just resurrect it from the project depot. Software is great!]

A little while after the first TOS ROMs shipped, Leonard Tramiel
arranged a celebratory dinner for the engineers and managed to get Jack
to come as well. About halfway through the meal (which was at a
wonderful Chinese place called Fung Lum, in Campbell), Leonard started
relating the story of how he and John Feagans had arrived at the Atari
Coin-op building to interview people and see who they wanted to keep.

“Then this voice called out over the intercom –”

— oh, shit. One thing you need to know about Jack is that when he was
twelve years old, he was in the concentration camp at Auschwitz. I’ve
seen the tattoo. That he survived being there pretty much defined him,
as far as most people were concerned. And —

“– and the voice called out, ‘Imperial storm-troopers have entered the

Jack hadn’t seen Star Wars, not ever, and didn’t get the reference. And
to him, the phrase “Storm Trooper” has a completely different meaning.
It took a little while for Leonard to convince Jack that it was really a
funny thing, no, honestly, really it was a joke, okay? And I’m not sure
that Jack really understood. But in the end he gave a little laugh;
everyone else seemed to enjoy the story.
I kept my job.

I hung on for another couple of years before going to Apple. There were
some nasty bugs in GEMDOS that were never really fixed (you can download
the sources — I did, a number of years ago, and found the same set of
unsatisfactory fixes that I’d come up with, but that I’m not sure ever
shipped). I took an ST with me, but I didn’t ever do much with it. I
don’t keep in touch much with the people on the ST team; some light
email, but that’s about it.

The ST community did really awesome things; some actual decent
multi-tasking operating systems, a ton of music-related software and so
on. It’s neat having had a part in helping all of that happen. I also
know what I’d like to be able to do a second time around on a project
like the ST. I’ve got this little list . . . .

Jesús Cea Avión                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
jcea at jcea.es - https://www.jcea.es/    _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
Twitter: @jcea                        _/_/    _/_/          _/_/_/_/_/
jabber / xmpp:jcea at jabber.org  _/_/  _/_/    _/_/          _/_/  _/_/
"Things are not so easy"      _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
"My name is Dump, Core Dump"   _/_/_/        _/_/_/      _/_/  _/_/
"El amor es poner tu felicidad en la felicidad de otro" - Leibniz

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