"La Leyenda de los Rangers"

Xonya xonya73 at yahoo.es
Thu Jun 14 22:32:26 CEST 2001


He conseguido el trailer de la nueva peli de B5, lo he
puesto en los files. Dura cuarenta segundos y se
necesita el Real Player para verlo. La calidad de
imagen no esta mal.

Esta es la transcripción:

DULANN: (voiceover) "We are born in the stars". 
Camera pans over a railing toward crewmembers seated
at a conference table on the Liandra, followed by:

Shot of Na'Feel (with unidentified human behind)

(voiceover continues) "We live in starlight" 

Shot of Firell.

"We die in starlight."

Shot of G'Kar and David Martel.

DULANN: "All are one, sworn to the `shok'nar´"

Shot of Dulann, holding an object while speaking this
last line.

Some shots of people working under pressure, some
smoke is present.

Two humans looking down toward camera in a smoky
hallway on the Liandra. The lights flash and they are
gone. (Antony's plot outline mentioned the Liandra
being "haunted")

Another shot Na'Feel, and scenes of the crew working.

Gkar: (to David) "We received this recording. We found
a city... *billions* of years old."

Shot of Kitaro Sasaki at his post: "We've got

Shot of Sarah Cantrell jumping into an access tube.

The ship is hit (interior shot) there's an explosion,
two crewmembers are thrown to the ground. 

Dulann: (addressing the assembled crew around him) "We
are Rangers. We live for The One. We die for The One."
Closes the box containing the object.

Logo: Babylon 5: Legend of the Rangers
Coming Soon
Sci-Fi Planet logo.

Por el trailer parece que tiene buena pinta.

Un saludo,


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