<spain-b5> Matrix + Babylon 5 = Sense8

Carles csanchez at ub.edu
Tue Apr 9 19:27:24 CEST 2013

Al 09/04/2013 19:20, En/na Víctor R. Ruiz ha escrit:
>   Hola:
>   Los Wachowskis y jms se unen para una serie de cifi, Sense8.
>   "Netflix has given a 10-episode season order to Sense8, a sci-fi
> thriller from filmmakers Andy and Lana Wachowski, and writer-producer
> J. Michael Straczynski. The series will debut on the streaming service
> in 2014. The Wachowskis’ first foray into television, Sense8 is
> described, rather vaguely, as “a gripping global tale of minds linked
> and souls hunted.” It’s being produced by Georgeville Television, the
> studio behind NBC’s upcoming pirate drama Crossbones, in association
> with Straczynski’s fledgling Studio JMS".
>   http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/2013/03/27/wachowskis-j-michael-straczynski-team-for-netflix-thriller-sense8/

Mmm, pinta bien; estaremos atentos! A ver si los Wachowski levantan
cabeza en TV, que llevan una racha que...


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