<spain-b5> Babylon 5 reboot likely to become big-budget film

Manolo manolokosh at yahoo.es
Fri Aug 15 11:04:49 CEST 2014

Gracias por la información.
Pero no nos emocionemos: ya pasó otras veces que hubo proyectos y
luego todo queda en nada.

Con fecha viernes, 08 de agosto de 2014, 20:19:40, escribió:



VRRricsb>   Hola:

VRRricsb>   Ojo al dato:
VRRricsb> http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/08/j-michael-straczynski-wants-to-reboot-babylon-5-as-a-big-budget-movie/

VRRricsb> According to JMS’s latest announcement, the new script will
VRRricsb> be targeted at a 2016 theatrical release and will be a
VRRricsb> reboot of the series rather than a continuation. This is
VRRricsb> necessary for both dramatic and practical purposes—the
VRRricsb> series was in regular production from 1994-1998, and the
VRRricsb> cast has simplyaged too far to credibly play themselves
VRRricsb> again during the series’ main timeline. Additionally,
VRRricsb> several of the foundational cast members—Michael O’Hare,
VRRricsb> Andreas Katsulas, Richard Biggs, and Jeff Conaway—have passed away.

 Manolo                            mailto:manolokosh at yahoo.es

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