[cpif] r300 - in branches/heimy: . backend frontend-web frontend-web/grammars frontend-web/skins/default

svn at argo.es svn at argo.es
Sat Jul 28 01:29:31 CEST 2007

Author: heimy
Date: Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
New Revision: 300


* Actualizacion a version 298 del trunk
* Adicion de frontend-web/grammars
  - Primera version del parser para convertir los mensajes a HTML
  - Por ahora solo reconoce texto puro y [quote]...[/quote]
  + TODO:
    - Sincronizar su comportamiento al codigo previo
    - Integrarlo en CPIF

      - copied unchanged from r298, /trunk/frontend-web/skins/default/css.css
      - copied unchanged from r298, /trunk/frontend-web/skins/default/js.js
      - copied unchanged from r298, /trunk/frontend-web/url_get_msg_source_AJAX.py

Modified: branches/heimy/TODO
--- branches/heimy/TODO	(original)
+++ branches/heimy/TODO	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -291,10 +291,6 @@
 - 20070715: FRONTAL WEB: Poder ver los errores que han sufrido los
   mensajes de correo en cola.
-- 20070715: Si ocurre un error critico en el sistema de envio de
-  correo electronico, muere vilmente. Nos quedamos sin sistema
-  de envio.
 - 20070716: FRONTAL WEB: Algunos "sanity check" en la direccion
   de correo especificada por el usuario: no caracteres raros, no
   longitud excesiva.
@@ -303,4 +299,17 @@
   que saber nuestra URL. Ahora funciona porque tenemos la cabecera
   "host", pero no podemos depender de ella si usamos un proxy
+- 20070720: Si hay algun problema serio con el sistema de correo,
+  no nos enteramos de ninguna manera. No se guarda el "trackeback",
+  y el sistema insiste e insiste...
+- 20070726: FRONTAL WEB: En algun momento hay que hacer limpieza
+  en el storage de los "CSS" y los "JS" huerfanos.
+- 20070727: FRONTAL WEB: En "static", si el cliente web nos manda
+  una cabecera "If-Modified-Since", la estamos comparando como cadena
+  con el "last modified" del objeto. Deberiamos parsear la cabecera
+  y comprobar que es semanticamente equivalente, no comparar como
+  simples cadenas.

Modified: branches/heimy/backend/database.py
--- branches/heimy/backend/database.py	(original)
+++ branches/heimy/backend/database.py	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # $Id$
 import globales
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@
+    root["static"]["css"]=BTree()
+    root["static"]["js"]=BTree()
@@ -71,16 +73,18 @@
-    conf["openid_support"]=True
+    conf["openid_support"]=False # Because You could not have the libs!
-    conf["allow_avatar_change"]=True
+    conf["allow_avatar_change"]=False # Because You could not have the libs!
+    conf["admin_email_address"]=""
+    root["config"]=conf
   def load_initial_config(conn) :
@@ -299,6 +303,8 @@
+                        "monitor metatags":BTree(),
+                        "monitor hilos":BTree(),
   if do_backup_users :
@@ -337,6 +343,7 @@
+                                               "monitor":BTree(),
   for usuario in root["usuarios"]["usuarios"].itervalues() :
@@ -394,6 +401,7 @@
           "TS creacion":ts,
+          "monitor":BTree(),
@@ -453,22 +461,20 @@
   no_leidos=usuario["punto de lectura no leidos"][metatag]
+  monitor_hilos=usuario["monitor hilos"]
   for ts,hilo in root["metatags"]["metatags"][metatag]["TS2hilo"].items_range(ts,ts2) :
-    if hilo_num in no_leidos :
-      resultado.append((hilo_num,hilo["titulo"],True))
-    else :
-      resultado.append((hilo_num,hilo["titulo"],False))
+    resultado.append((hilo_num,hilo["titulo"],hilo_num in no_leidos,hilo_num in monitor_hilos))
   return resultado
 def listado_hilo(conn,usuario,hilo_num,primer_mensaje=1) :
-  if not hilo : return None,None,None,None,None
+  if not hilo : return None,None,None,None,None,None
         "TS creacion":hilo["TS creacion"]}
@@ -476,12 +482,13 @@
+  mon=hilo_num in u["monitor hilos"]
-  if not pr : return None,None,None,None,None
+  if not pr : return None,None,None,None,None,None
   for msg_num,msg in iterador_mensajes :
@@ -516,7 +523,7 @@
-  return (meta,mensajes,num_mensajes,finished,[(i,mt[i]["nombre"]) for i in metatags])
+  return (meta,mensajes,num_mensajes,finished,[(i,mt[i]["nombre"]) for i in metatags],mon)
 # Marcamos como leidos los hilos que estamos
 # viendo en pantalla. Si hay mensajes adicionales
@@ -538,10 +545,15 @@
 def get_metatags(conn,usuario) :
-  plnl=root["usuarios"]["usuarios"][normaliza_nick(usuario)]["punto de lectura no leidos"]
+  u=root["usuarios"]["usuarios"][normaliza_nick(usuario)]
+  plnl=u["punto de lectura no leidos"]
+  monitor_metatags=u["monitor metatags"]
   for i,j in root["metatags"]["metatags"].iteritems() :
     if plnl2!=None :
-      metatags.append((i,j["nombre"], True if plnl2 else False))
+      metatags.append((i,j["nombre"], True if plnl2 else False, i in monitor_metatags))
   return metatags
+def monitored_metatag(conn,usuario,metatag) :
+  return metatag in conn.get_root()["usuarios"]["usuarios"][normaliza_nick(usuario)]["monitor metatags"]

Modified: branches/heimy/backend/smtp.py
--- branches/heimy/backend/smtp.py	(original)
+++ branches/heimy/backend/smtp.py	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@
     try :
     except :
-      raise
+      #raise
+      pass
 def enqueue(conn,destinations,message) :

Modified: branches/heimy/backend/upgrade.py
--- branches/heimy/backend/upgrade.py	(original)
+++ branches/heimy/backend/upgrade.py	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -191,10 +191,10 @@
-    conf["openid_support"]=True
+    conf["openid_support"]=False
-    conf["allow_avatar_change"]=True
+    conf["allow_avatar_change"]=False
@@ -241,6 +241,28 @@
         del usuario["new email"]
+  if root["version del foro"]=="2007071602" :
+    print "Actualizando la base de datos: 2007071602 -> 2007071901"
+    root["version del foro"]="2007071901"
+    root["config"]["admin_email_address"]=""
+    conn.commit()
+  if root["version del foro"]=="2007071901" :
+    print "Actualizando la base de datos: 2007071901 -> 2007072601"
+    root["version del foro"]="2007072601"
+    root["static"]["css"]=BTree()
+    root["static"]["js"]=BTree()
+    conn.commit()
+  if root["version del foro"]=="2007072601" :
+    print "Actualizando la base de datos: 2007072601 -> 2007072701"
+    root["version del foro"]="2007072701"
+    for usuario in root["usuarios"]["usuarios"].itervalues() :
+      usuario["monitor metatags"]=BTree()
+      usuario["monitor hilos"]=BTree()
+    for metatag in root["metatags"]["metatags"].itervalues() :
+      metatag["monitor"]=BTree()
+    for hilo in root["hilos"]["hilos"].itervalues() :
+      hilo["monitor"]=BTree()
+    conn.commit()

Added: branches/heimy/frontend-web/grammars/__init__.py
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/heimy/frontend-web/grammars/__init__.py	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# $Id: __init__.py 266 2007-07-11 21:19:25Z heimy $
+import os
+from nodes import TextNode, NodeList
+from parser import Parser
+skip_list = ['__init__.py', 'parser.py', 'nodes.py']
+grammar_list = []
+def parse_to_html(text):
+    global grammar_list
+    parser = Parser(grammar_list)
+    parser.append(text)
+    return parser.parse().render_html()
+def new_parser():
+    global grammar_list
+    return Parser(grammar_list)
+valid_grammar_mod = lambda x: x.endswith('.py') and x not in skip_list
+this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+for grmr in (x for x in os.listdir(this_dir) if valid_grammar_mod(x)):
+    try:
+        name = grmr[:-3]
+        mdl = __import__(name, globals(), (), name)
+        cls = getattr(mdl, 'Grammar', None)
+        if cls:
+            grammar_list.append(cls())
+    except ImportError:
+        pass
+__all__ = ["parse_to_html", "new_parser"]

Added: branches/heimy/frontend-web/grammars/bbcode.py
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/heimy/frontend-web/grammars/bbcode.py	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# $Id: bbcode.py 266 2007-07-11 21:19:25Z heimy $
+import re
+from nodes import Node, NodeList
+class QuoteNode(NodeList):
+    def __init__(self, quoted):
+        self.quoted = quoted
+    def render_html(self):
+        # TODO: Write this down
+        quotext = super(QuoteNode, self).render_html()
+        if not self.quoted:
+            return "<div class='quote'>%s</div>" % quotext
+        return "%s dijo:<div class='quote'>%s</div>" % (
+                        self.quoted,
+                        super(QuoteNode, self).render_html()
+                        )
+class EndQuoteNode(Node):
+    pass
+def do_quote(parser, match):
+    node = QuoteNode(match.groups()[0])
+    ret, final = parser.parse(until = (EndQuoteNode,))
+    node.extend(ret)
+    return node
+express = {
+    'quote': (do_quote, re.compile('\[quote(?:="([^"]+)")?\]'), QuoteNode),
+    'endquote': (None, '[/quote]', EndQuoteNode),
+    }
+class Grammar(object):
+    def search(self, strng):
+        lst = []
+        for (key, (fn, lookup, cls)) in express.items():
+            if type(lookup) == str:
+                if lookup in strng:
+                    x1 = strng.find(lookup)
+                    lst.append( (x1, x1 + len(lookup), self, cls, fn) )
+            else:
+                ret = lookup.search(strng)
+                if ret:
+                    x1, x2 = ret.span()
+                    lst.append( (x1, x2, self, cls, fn, ret) )
+        return lst
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<Grammar: BBCode>"

Added: branches/heimy/frontend-web/grammars/nodes.py
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/heimy/frontend-web/grammars/nodes.py	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# $Id: nodes.py 266 2007-07-11 21:19:25Z heimy $
+def escape_html(text):
+    text = text.replace('&', "&amp;")
+    text = text.replace('<', "&lt;")
+    text = text.replace('>', "&gt;")
+    text = text.replace('"', "&quot;")
+    text = text.replace("'", "&apos;")
+    return text
+class Node(object):
+    def render_html(self):
+        return ""
+class TextNode(Node):
+    def __init__(self, content):
+        self.content = content
+    def render_html(self):
+        return escape_html(self.content)
+class AnchorNode(Node):
+    def __init__(self, parser, uri, content, *args, **kwarg):
+        self.uri = uri
+        self.content = parser.parse(content)
+    def render_html(self):
+        return "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (self.uri, self.content.render_html())
+class NodeList(list, Node):
+    def render_html(self):
+        return ''.join([x.render_html() for x in self])

Added: branches/heimy/frontend-web/grammars/parser.py
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/heimy/frontend-web/grammars/parser.py	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# $Id: __init__.py 266 2007-07-11 21:19:25Z heimy $
+from nodes import TextNode, NodeList
+class ParserException(Exception):
+    pass
+class Parser(object):
+    def __init__(self, grammar_list = []):
+        self.grammars = grammar_list
+        self.cleanup()
+    def forbid(self, tokens):
+        if type(tokens) not in (list, tuple):
+            tokens = (tokens,)
+        for token in tokens:
+            if token not in self.forbidden:
+                self.forbidden.append(token)
+    def allow(self, tokens):
+        if type(tokens) not in (list, tuple):
+            tokens = (tokens,)
+        for token in tokens:
+            if token in self.forbidden:
+                self.forbidden.remove(token)
+    def prepend(self, str):
+        self.string = str + self.string
+    def append(self, str):
+        self.string += str
+    def cleanup(self):
+        self.forbidden = []
+        self.string = ""
+    def parse(self, until = ()):
+        next_stop_point = -1
+        nl = NodeList()
+        stop = None
+        while self.string:
+            matches = []
+            for grammar in self.grammars:
+                matches.extend(grammar.search(self.string))
+            if not matches:
+                if until:
+                    raise ParserException("Parser stopped while waiting for %s" % repr(until))
+                nl.append(TextNode(self.string))
+                self.string = ""
+                continue
+            next = sorted(matches)[0]
+            # check if "next" is in "until"
+            x1, x2, grm, cls, fn = next[:5]
+            if x1 > 0:
+                nl.append(TextNode(self.string[:x1]))
+            self.string = self.string[x2:]
+            if cls in until:
+                stop = next[3]
+                break
+            if cls in self.forbidden:
+                raise ParserException("Found forbidden token: %s" % repr(cls))
+            nl.append(fn(self, *next[5:]))
+        return (nl, stop)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from bbcode import Grammar
+    p = Parser( [Grammar()] )
+    p.append('Foobar [quote]bar [quote="foo"]barbaz[/quote] baz[/quote]')
+    res = p.parse()[0]
+    print res.render_html()

Modified: branches/heimy/frontend-web/init.py
--- branches/heimy/frontend-web/init.py	(original)
+++ branches/heimy/frontend-web/init.py	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@
         database.mensaje_add(conn,"Cuerpo del hilo %d" %i,r.sample(usuarios,1)[0],titulo="Hilo %d" %i,metatag=0)
-    if globales.smtp_server=="mail2.argo.es" :
+    if globales.admin_email_address :
       import smtp
-      smtp.enqueue(conn,["jcea at argo.es"],"Subject: Arranque CPIF\r\n\r\nArrancamos CPIF")
+      smtp.enqueue(conn,[globales.admin_email_address],"Subject: Arranque CPIF\r\n\r\nArrancamos CPIF")

Modified: branches/heimy/frontend-web/skins.py
--- branches/heimy/frontend-web/skins.py	(original)
+++ branches/heimy/frontend-web/skins.py	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 import os
+from globales import monitor
 sdir = os.path.join(os.path.curdir,"skins")
 print "Inicializo los skins"
 for dir in os.listdir(sdir):
@@ -59,9 +60,25 @@
       control = False
   if control:
     available_skins[dir]= {}
+    css=open(os.path.join(sdir,dir,"css.css")).read()
+    js=open(os.path.join(sdir,dir,"js.js")).read()
+    @monitor
+    def save_css_js(conn,css,js) :
+      from database import save_static
+      ret=save_static(conn,"css",css,{"content-type":"text/css"})
+      return (ret,save_static(conn,"js",js,{"content-type":"text/javascript"}))
+    css,js=save_css_js(css,js)
+    replacement={"***CSS***":"/static/css/%s" %css,
+                 "***JS***":"/static/js/%s" %js}
     for skin,file in skin_files.items():
-      available_skins[dir][skin]=f.read()
+      data=f.read()
+      for k,v in replacement.iteritems() :
+        data=data.replace(k,v)
+      available_skins[dir][skin]=data
+      f.close()
 if "default" not in available_skins: # FIXME: an~adir un skin de fallback?
   raise "Error, no tenemos el skin por defecto!!"
@@ -164,7 +181,7 @@
   def list_metatags(self):
     """Format the thread list"""
     m_list = self._dict.pop("metatags",None)
-    for id, title, nr in m_list:
+    for id, title, nr, mon in m_list:
       format = self._style.pop(0)
       if nr:
@@ -180,7 +197,7 @@
     for date,threads in t_list:
       self.set_text(available_skins[self._skin]['group_date'] % {'group_date':daydate(date,self._tz)})
-      for thread, title, ts, nr, nr_point, n_msgs in threads:
+      for thread, title, ts, nr, nr_point, n_msgs, mon in threads:
         format = self._style.pop(0)
         if nr:

Modified: branches/heimy/frontend-web/skins/default/body_show_thread.html
--- branches/heimy/frontend-web/skins/default/body_show_thread.html	(original)
+++ branches/heimy/frontend-web/skins/default/body_show_thread.html	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -23,84 +23,10 @@
+  <script type="text/javascript">
+    window.onload = toggleBox('form',0);
+  </script>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-function toggleBox(id,type) {
-  /* type = 0 hide
-     type = 1 show
-     type = 2 toggle 
-   */
-  if(document.layers) {
-    if(type<2) 
-      document.layers[id].display = type ? "block" : "none";
-    else
-      document.layers[id].display = document.layers[id].display=="none" ? "block" : "none";
-  }
-  else if(document.getElementById) {
-    var obj = document.getElementById(id);
-    if(type<2) 
-      obj.style.display = type ? "block" : "none";
-    else
-      obj.style.display = obj.style.display == "none" ? "block" : "none";
-  }
-  else if(document.all) {
-    if(type<2) 
-      document.all[id].style.display = type ? "block" : "none";
-    else
-      document.all[id].style.display = document.all[id].style.display == "none" ? "block" : "none";
-  }
-var used_ids = new Array();
-function responder(id) {
-  var post = document.getElementById(id);
-/*   Descomentar si se desea que el formulario original de postear se conserve */
-/*   var finline = document.getElementById("form-inline"); */
-/*   if (!finline)  { */
-/*     var f = document.getElementById("form"); */
-/*     finline = f.cloneNode(true); */
-/*     finline.id = "form-inline"; */
-/*   } */
-/*   post.appendChild(finline);  */
-  post.appendChild(document.getElementById("form"));
-  toggleBox('form',1);
-/*   if(id == "hilos") { return; } */
-  /* quotes */
-/*   var my_id = id.slice(1); */
-/*   if(! used_ids[my_id]){ */
-/*     used_ids[my_id] = true; */
-/*     var req = false; */
-/*     try { */
-/*       req = new XMLHttpRequest(); */
-/*     } */
-/*     catch(e) { */
-/*       req = false; */
-/*     } */
-/*     if(req) { */
-/*       req.open("GET","/get_msg_source/"+my_id,false); */
-/*       req.send(""); */
-/*       var xml = req.responseXML;; */
-/*       var author = xml.getElementsByTagName("autor")[0].textContent; */
-/*       var post = xml.getElementsByTagName("cuerpo")[0].textContent; */
-/*       post = post.replace("&lt;","<"); */
-/*       post = post.replace("&gt;",">"); */
-/*       post = post.replace("&amp;","&"); */
-/*       var form = document.getElementById("form"); */
-/*       var textarea = form.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0]; */
-/*       text = '[quote="'+author+'"]'+post+'[/quote]\n'; */
-/*       textarea.value += text; */
-/*     } */
-/*   } */
-window.onload = toggleBox('form',0);
 <div id="footer">
   <div id="menu">

Modified: branches/heimy/frontend-web/skins/default/body_threadlist.html
--- branches/heimy/frontend-web/skins/default/body_threadlist.html	(original)
+++ branches/heimy/frontend-web/skins/default/body_threadlist.html	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
     <h2>Subforo: %(metatag_title)s</h2>
     <p class="right"><a href="%(link_mark_as_read)s">Marcar todos los hilos como leidos</a></p>
+    <p class="right"><a href="javascript:toggleBox('form', 2);">Iniciar un nuevo hilo</a></p>
   <div id="form">
-    <a href="javascript:toggleBox('fNewthread');">Iniciar un nuevo hilo</a>
     <form id="fNewthread" action="%(link_form_new_thread)s" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
       <label for="titulo">T&iacute;tulo:</label> <input type="text" name="titulo" id="titulo" size="60" value="" /><br />
@@ -12,21 +12,7 @@
     <script type="text/javascript">
-      <!--
-      function toggleBox(id) {
-        if(document.layers) {
-          document.layers[id].display = document.layers[id].display=="block" ? "none" : "block";
-        }
-        else if(document.getElementById) {
-          var obj = document.getElementById(id);
-          obj.style.display = obj.style.display == "none" ? "block" : "none";
-        }
-        else if(document.all) {
-          document.all[id].style.display = document.all[id].style.display == "none" ? "block" : "none";
-        }
-      }
-      window.onload = toggleBox('fNewthread');
-      -->
+      window.onload = toggleBox('form',0);
   <div id="footer">

Modified: branches/heimy/frontend-web/skins/default/header.html
--- branches/heimy/frontend-web/skins/default/header.html	(original)
+++ branches/heimy/frontend-web/skins/default/header.html	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -2,203 +2,8 @@
 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="es">
-    <style type="text/css" id="estilo">
-      * {
-        margin:0;
-        padding:0;
-      }
-      a {
-        text-decoration:none
-      }
-      body { 
-        font-family: sans-serif;
-        background:#FFA31A;
-      }
-      #cabecera {
-        padding-top:0.5em;
-        padding-bottom:0.5em;
-        text-align:center;
-        background: #E68A00;
-      }
-          #cabecera h1 {
-            font: 50px Garamond, Georgia, "Bitstream Vera Serif", serif;
-          }
-          #cabecera h2 {
-            font-size: 20px;
-            font-weight:normal;
-          }
-      #contenido {
-        background:#ffffff;
-        padding: 1em;
-        margin:3px 3px 0 3px;
-      }
-          #contenido .threadlist {
-            margin-top:1em;
-          }
-          #contenido .hilos {
-            background:#ff0000;
-          }
-          #contenido .hilo h2 {
-            margin-bottom:0.5em;
-          }
-          #contenido .hilo h3 {
-            margin:0 0 0.5em 1em;
-          }
-          #contenido .hilo h4 {
-            margin-bottom:0.5em;
-          }
-          #contenido .hilo .autor {
-            font-weight: bold;
-            margin: 0.25em;
-            width: 160px;
-            float: left;
-          }
-          #contenido .hilo .fecha {
-            font-size:0.9em;
-            border-bottom: 1px solid #ffa31a;
-            margin-bottom:0.5em;
-          }
-          #contenido .hilo .texto {
-            margin: 0.25em;
-            margin-left:165px;
-            padding: 3px 3px 0 3px;
-          }
-          #contenido .hilo blockquote h4 {
-            font-size:0.8em;
-            margin-left:15px;
-          }
-          #contenido .hilo blockquote {
-            margin:1em 2em 1em 3em;
-            font-size:0.9em;
-            padding:5px;
-            border: 1px dotted;
-          }
-          #contenido .avatar {
-            margin-top: 0.5em;
-            width: 154px;
-            height: 154px;
-            padding: 2px;
-          }
-          #contenido .hilo .responder {
-            font-size:0.9em;
-            border-top: 1px solid #ffa31a;
-            padding-top: 0.5em;
-            margin-top:0.5em
-          }
-          #contenido .nav {
-            margin-top:1em;
-            margin-bottom:1em;
-            list-style: none;
-          }
-          #contenido .nav li {
-            display:inline;
-            border:1px solid #ffa31a;
-            background:#f1f1f1;
-            padding: 1px 2px 1px 2px;
-          }
-          #contenido .inactive {
-            background: #919191 !important;
-          }
-          #contenido .linkidx:hover {
-            background: #d1d1d1;
-          }
-      #form, #form-inline {
-        background:#ffffff;
-        text-align:right;
-        margin:0 3px 0 3px;
-        padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em ;
-      }
-          #form form, #form-inline form  {
-            display:block;
-            width:60%%;
-          }
-          #form form textarea, #form form input, #form-inline form input,  #form-inline textarea {
-            margin: 0.5em 0 0 0px;
-            padding: 0.2em;
-            border:1px solid;
-            background:#f1f1f1;
-          }
-          #form form label {
-            text-align:right;
-          }
-          #form form .OpenID {
-            background: #f1f1f1 url(http://openid.net/login-bg.gif) center left no-repeat !important;
-            color: #000;
-            padding-left: 20px !important;
-          }
-      #calendario {
-        background: #ffffff;
-        float:right;
-        width:20%%;
-        margin: 2em 5em 2em 10px;
-        padding:1em;
-        text-align:center;
-      }
-          #calendario h3 {
-            width:90%%;
-            border-bottom: 1px solid;
-            margin: 1em auto 1em auto;
-          }
-          #calendario table {
-            font-size:0.9em;
-            margin: 0 auto 0 auto;
-          }
-          #calendario td {
-            padding:1px;
-          }
-          #calendario td.nomonth {
-            background-color: #eee;
-          }
-      #footer {
-      }
-      #menu {
-        background: #ffffff;
-        width:40%%;
-        margin: 4em 10px 1em 5em;
-        padding:1em;
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-      }
-          #menu h3 {
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-          #menu ul {
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-            list-style: none;
-          }
-          #menu li {
-            margin-bottom:0.2em;
-            margin-right: 1em;
-          }
-      .version{
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-      p { margin:0.5em 0 0.5em 0; }
-      .right { text-align:right;}
-    </style>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="***CSS***">
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="***JS***"></script>
     <div id="cabecera">

Modified: branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_.py
--- branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_.py	(original)
+++ branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_.py	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
 from globales import monitor
+import skins # Preload skins to initialize them, outside the "monitor".
+del skins
 def gestiona_url(conn,handler,path,usuario) :
   if len(path)!=1 : return None

Modified: branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_edit_config.py
--- branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_edit_config.py	(original)
+++ branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_edit_config.py	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
   texto.append('<tr><td>Use TLS for SMTP</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="smtp_use_tls" %s /></td></tr>' % ("CHECKED" if globales.smtp_use_tls else ""))
   texto.append('<tr><td>Outgoing SMTP user<br/>(if server requires authentication)</td><td><input type="text" name="smtp_auth_user" size="25" value="%s" /></td><tr>' %globales.smtp_auth_user)
   texto.append('<tr><td>Outgoing SMTP password<br/>(if server requires authentication)</td><td><input type="password" name="smtp_auth_passwd" size="20" value="%s" /></td><tr>' %globales.smtp_auth_passwd)
+  texto.append('<tr><td>CPIF Admin email address</td><td><input type="text" name="admin_email_address" size="30" value="%s" /></td><tr>' %globales.admin_email_address)
   return (200, {"Content-Type":"text/html; charset=utf-8"},

Modified: branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_hilo.py
--- branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_hilo.py	(original)
+++ branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_hilo.py	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     except :
       return None
-  meta,mensajes,num_mensajes,finished,metatags=database.listado_hilo(conn,usuario,hilo_num,first_post)
+  meta,mensajes,num_mensajes,finished,metatags,mon=database.listado_hilo(conn,usuario,hilo_num,first_post)
   if not meta : return None
   assert len(metatags)==1 # De momento no permitimos multiples metatags para un hilo
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
       "messages": (first_post,num_mensajes,mensajes),
       "metatag": metatag[0],
       "metatag_title": metatag[1],
+      "monitor": mon,

Modified: branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_indice.py
--- branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_indice.py	(original)
+++ branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_indice.py	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@
       "page_title": "cpif - listado de hilos",
       "calendar": calendario.vista_mensual(conn,fecha_elegida,usuario,metatag),
-      "metatag": metatag
+      "metatag": metatag,
+      "monitor": database.monitored_metatag(conn,usuario,metatag),
@@ -76,7 +77,8 @@
         hilos[id]["mensajes"].get(punto_no_leido.get(id,None)), # El numero de mensajes hasta el no leido
-        hilos[id]["num_mensajes"]) for id,title,not_read in h])) # El punto donde el usuario no ha leido
+        hilos[id]["num_mensajes"],
+        mon) for id,title,not_read,mon in h])) # El punto donde el usuario no ha leido

Modified: branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_static.py
--- branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_static.py	(original)
+++ branches/heimy/frontend-web/url_static.py	Sat Jul 28 01:29:29 2007
@@ -5,18 +5,31 @@
 def gestiona_url(conn,handler,path,usuario) :
   if len(path)!=3 : return None
-  section,etag=path[1],path[2]
+  section,hash=path[1],path[2]
+  etag='"%s"' %hash
   import database
-  data=database.get_static(conn,section,etag)
+  data=database.get_static(conn,section,hash)
   if not data : return None # Not found
   data=data[0] # de-encapsulate
-  headers["Last-Modified"]=metadata["last modified"]
+  last_modified=metadata["last modified"]
+  headers["Last-Modified"]=last_modified
-  if handler.headers.get("if-none-match")==etag :
+  if_none_match=handler.headers.get("if-none-match")
+  if if_none_match :
+    for i in if_none_match.split(",") :
+      if etag==i.strip() :
+        return (304,headers,"")
+# Actually, all static objects have an ETag, and that should
+# be used to check object freshness. We implement "If-Modified-Since"
+# to please tools like "wget" or the cacheability tool at
+# http://www.mnot.net/cacheability/
+  if_modified_since=handler.headers.get("if-modified-since")
+  if if_modified_since==last_modified : # TODO: Actually parse the header, do not do a simple string comparison
     return (304,headers,"")

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