[Domotica] Is Embedded Linux a Bust?

Jesus Cea Avion jcea at argo.es
Fri Dec 7 11:22:34 CET 2001


Embedded Systems Programming Editor in Chief Michael Barr
                        recently forwarded me an intriguing letter from a consultant who
                        had attempted to build a business helping companies incorporate
                        Linux into their embedded systems. The effort was a complete
                        failure; a year of work had turned up only two companies actually
                        using Linux in the embedded arena, so the consultant returned to
                        traditional real-time operating systems where there's plenty of
                        work and lots of money.

                        What gives? If you believe the magazines, it appears anyone not
                        using Linux is a dinosaur, an atavistic throwback doomed to write
                        miserable little 8051 assembly language programs forever. At the
                        local bookstore an entire shelf of computer magazine headlines
                        scream “Linux Forever!” All tout this OS as the solution to
                        everything that ails us, from hackers to global warming. 

                        Unfortunately, Linux is an unassailable icon. Those who cast
                        aspersions on it are immediately branded as wrong-thinking
                        heretics. Yet it's just an operating system. That's it -- a tool,
                        something that allows us to build real systems. In the embedded
                        world Linux is even less than an OS; it can't even manage real
                        time events -- at least not in the native distribution. Unless Linux
                        is bolted on top of a traditional embedded RTOS, your system
                        might have a killer file system but be unable to handle
                        asynchronous events in a timely manner. 

                        In my travels around the embedded world I see a huge number of
                        developers working with all sorts of real time operating systems,
                        from very simple home-brew taskers to complete top-of-the-line
                        commercial products with protocol stacks and a wealth of
                        features. But Linux seems to be a phantom OS. Plenty of folks
                        have adopted it as a development platform, but only rarely do I
                        see it incorporated into a product. Sure, there are some notable
                        exceptions. Some set-top boxes, PDAs, and other products are
                        being shipped today with Linux kernels. But Linux-based seem to
                        be in the minority, with traditional RTOSes still, by far, dominating
                        the OS space. 

                        Much as politicians are led by their polls, publishers use extensive
                        surveys to see where the market is heading and what sort of
                        editorial content best addresses readers' needs. But surveys are
                        notoriously fickle. The 2000 ESP subscriber study showed that
                        12% of the 525 respondents used Linux in their 16- (!) or 32-bit
                        systems in the last year. Thirty-eight percent are considering it.
                        With almost 100,000 embedded design starts each year, that
                        suggests a huge market, enough to make any embedded Linux
                        provider salivate and venture capitalists feed the frenzy with wild

                        But almost a year has elapsed since that study, and there's no
                        way, based on my imprecise observations, that 30 to 40,000
                        projects were done this year with this OS. Lineo announced a
                        layoff in September. One of MontaVista's white papers discusses
                        60-microsecond interrupt latencies on an 800MHz Pentium. Yikes!
                        Is that CPU really indicative of the embedded world? I doubt it. 

                        Linux is a big beast that needs a lot of memory and processor
                        cycles. It does bring some pretty substantial benefits to some
                        systems: communications stacks, a fabulous file system, and
                        Unix-like interactivity and reliability. But is this a substantial part of
                        the embedded space? 

                        What roll do you think Linux will play in embedded systems
                        development in the near future? 


                        Jack G. Ganssle is a lecturer and consultant on embedded
                        development issues. He conducts seminars on embedded
                        systems and helps companies with their embedded challenges. He
                        founded two companies specializing in embedded systems.
                        Contact him at jack at ganssle.com. His website is

                        Take the poll 

                        Reader Feedback 

                        I totally disagree. First of all, the very first question we must
                        answer is this: what is embedded? It isn't what it used to be
                        10-15 years ago. In the past, there was no way you could even
                        talk about an OS with the 8051 or any other processor, because
                        there would be scarcely any memory for the application on a
                        target yet alone for the OS. Now, things are changing and from
                        where I am standing, the line that separates "embedded" and
                        other types of systems is quickly fading away. So, it is no longer a
                        constraint to require more power from hardware, in fact it is a

                        My second point is the level of support you would be receiving for
                        any commercial RTOS. Most of the time, you have to deal with
                        the marketing people who don't really know what they are talking
                        about, and whatever you ask, they will answer as they have been
                        taught: a big yes! Wish things were so bright! But when the thing
                        starts breaking down, they will not be there for help and it would
                        take infinitely long for you to get to the real people who know
                        their thing. This is not the case for Linux. You will get help from the
                        user community without any cost, and people will share their code
                        with you. Just for the fun of it! If you want to change things, you
                        are absolutely free to do so. With a commercial OS, would the
                        writer care to give an example on any of these advantages? From
                        my point of view, it's only about one thing: making things better
                        and Linux leads the way on that! 

                        Utku K. 

                        I find it amazing that someone could spend a year searching and
                        only turn up 2 companies doing embedded Linux work. My
                        company doesn't cater to the embedded Linux niche, and over
                        the same time period we've gotten two clients locally in a town of
                        100,000 that are doing embedded Linux work. In both cases,
                        they came to us... 

                        I obviously can't critique his work-finding plans, since no details
                        were given. It just seems odd. 

                        Sean Reifschneider
                        tummy.com, ltd. 

                        Politics and perception -- from what I have seen, these are the
                        two biggest reasons that Linux is not more frequently being
                        adopted into target embedded systems. 

                        First, politics: I think that you will find many company's will
                        generally be in favor of using a robust, yet free operating system
                        as opposed to paying money for one, hence the high polling
                        numbers. In contrast a high interest from individuals being polled, I
                        think you will find that corporate support will slack off considerably
                        when it means that a corporation will need to come out and
                        support an operating system in direct competition with, say, Wind
                        River. What Company really wants to damage their relationship
                        with their current OS vendor? The company I just left has, in the
                        past two years gone through not one but two Linux vendors and
                        claims to support Linux on their target systems. However, never
                        have they shipped a Linux based product, and in that two years, I
                        believe I have seen 1 small press release on the subject
                        announcing a limited partnership. Not surprisingly, the have a
                        long-standing partnership with other OS vendors who have no
                        interest in putting up with competition. 

                        Second, perception: Linus Torvalds wrote his first post regarding
                        Linux to comp.os.minix on August 25, 1991, so to most of the
                        senior engineers who are making the "what OS do we use"
                        decision, Linux is a baby. These people have cut their teeth on
                        VxWorks, Nucleus, etc. The marketing team for these more
                        established OSes have marketing down to a science. Talk to a
                        senior engineer at your company and ask him if he or she would
                        want to use Linux in the next product you put out. I think you will
                        find that these more senior people are interested in Linux, but are
                        also frightened that Linux will not have the same features or
                        abilities that your more well known OSes do. Its most likely an
                        incorrect belief, but nevertheless, Linux is still new and strange to
                        the men and women making the big decisions. And the Marketing
                        groups from the companies that charge 50K for a yearlong OS
                        license aren't clearing anything up for them. 

                        That all being said, in conclusion: Politics and Perception have one
                        shining attribute that squarely comes down in favor of Linux: they
                        change 10-15 years from now, when you, I, and the other new
                        kids on the block are the ones figuring out what exactly this
                        product should look like, read this article again. My money says
                        you'll wonder why anyone ever paid for an OS. 

                        Neil Horman
                        Software Engineer
                        LVL7 Systems 

                        I am currently working on a Linux based embedded project. It
                        started in March '01. Originally it was to be the development and
                        support system for the deployed LynxOS systems. There were so
                        many issues with LynxOS, that we are looking to replace the
                        fielded systems with Linux systems. 

                        Already the customer has proposed a low cost gateway system
                        using Linux. The LynxOS just costs too much. 

                        There have been issues that we have run into using LynxOS, that
                        we could have probably resolved using the source code, but it
                        wasn't available. Waiting for the folks From Lynx to get the fix
                        take care of is very time consuming. I had an issue with the
                        semaphores in Linux, a couple web searches, and I found the
                        solution, a small patch. Sure I gotta compile it in, but at least I
                        have an answer today! 

                        Linux will happen. 

                        Tom Brusehaver
                        Contract Engineer 
Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
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