[HACK] Sobre el balanceo de carga

Ignacio Torres Masdeu darkheavy at darkheavy.net
Tue Jan 16 12:48:30 CET 2001

Hola jcea, se que se cerro el thread (lo lei tarde) pero de todas formas esta 
url puede ir bien para la faq:

-High Availability systems under Linux
 How to build High Availability into a mission critical systems running 

La pagina del autor merece un repasillo (tiene unos cuantos articulos 
bastante majos)

Un saludo,
Ignacio Torres Masdeu <darkheavy at darkheavy.net>
dunadan at darkheavy.net <-- spam trap, don't mail to it
The Arkansas legislature passed a law that states that the Arkansas
River can rise no higher than to the Main Street bridge in Little

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