[HACK] backdoor policial en anonimizador aleman

txipi txipi at sindominio.net
Fri Aug 29 04:14:42 CEST 2003

Hash: SHA1

Aupa Mercé!

On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 12:11:54 +0200
merce at grn.es wrote:

> (jesus,  ya  se  que  no se pueden enviar forwards pero esto me parece
> bastante preocupante y no tengo el cuerpo para traducirlo. Esta sacado
> de los boletines de GILC y EDRI-Gram. Tu mismo :)

Te respondo con otro email que no he escrito yo O;-)...

- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: JAP unbackdoored
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 21:43:36 +0200
From: Kristian Koehntopp <kris at koehntopp.de>
To: Thomas C. Greene  <thomas.greene at theregister.co.uk>
CC: bugtraq at securityfocus.com
References: <200308202156.22920.thomas.greene at theregister.co.uk>

On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 09:56:22PM -0700, Thomas C. Greene  wrote:
> Popular Net anonymity service back-doored
> Fed-up Feds get court order
> http://theregister.co.uk/content/55/32450.html

Markus Wiese, who is with the privacy commissioner of
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, just posted the following to the
debate at lists.fitug.de:

- -----
Message-ID: <3F4C84DA.9040509 at datenschutzzentrum.de>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 12:15:54 +0200
From: Markus Wiese <mw at datenschutzzentrum.de>
To: debate at lists.fitug.de
Subject: AN.ON / JAP: Teilerfolg


> Das Landgericht Frankfurt am Main hat am gestrigen Tage angeordnet
> (Az.: 5/6 Qs 47/03), dass die Vollziehung des vor einigen Wochen
> gegenüber den Partnern des AN.ON-Projektes auf Antrag des
> Bundeskriminalamtes erlassenen richterlichen Beschlusses des
> Amtsgerichts Frankfurt auszusetzen ist.

- -----

The text at the URL translates to

The court of Frankfurt/Main has ordered yesterday (Az: 5/6 Qs
47/03) that the court order against the partners of the
AN.ON-project (this includes the privacy commisioner of
Schleswig-Holstein) requested by the Bundeskriminalamt (the
german FBI) has been suspended. Under that court order the AN.ON
project by ULD Schleswig-Holstein and TU Dresden had been
ordered to implement logging of all accesses to a particular IP

The project partners have disabled the protocol functions in JAP
as soon as they got notice of this decision. At this point in
time only a single data record had been logged. How this single
data record will be used will be decided only after the final
decision of Landgericht Frankfurt. The record is currently held
by the AN.ON project.

The project partners will be releasing a complete documentation
of all proceedings after the Landgericht has made its decision
(they are legally barred from doing so before that point in

- -- 

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		-- Albert Einstein

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