[IRC-DEV] Ideas para el futuro: Temas fuera de lo general, la voz del IRC.

Zoltan zolty at ctv.es
Mon Nov 19 15:40:18 CET 2001

> Lo que yo digo no existe pero me cometaron que el irc3 que está creando
> cierta persona incluye este sistema de multi-modalidad.

Es un borrador para un futuro rfc de Andrew Church, autor de los conocidos
IRC Services, cuya base utiliza Hispano en sus services Nick, Chan, Memo...

El "ABSTRACT" , para los que no sepan que significa, es un resumen.

   Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a client/server protocol allowing
   Internet users to engage in realtime "conversation".  It has existed
   for a number of years, and the use of IRC has grown rapidly during
   that time.  IRC has classically been a purely text-based protocol
   allowing for simple text-based interaction, as described in RFC 1459
   [1]; however, current usage and trends demand a more efficient method
   for allowing IRC servers to communicate with each other than defined
   by the original protocol, as well as more stability than that
   protocol allows.  In addition, as bandwidth availability increases,
   IRC should be extensible enough to allow other forms of
   communication, such as audio and/or video.  Finally, the wide range
   of incompatible changes made to the protocol suggest that a new,
   extensible standard be defined to alleviate these incompatibilities.

   This protocol was given the name "version 3" due to the reference
   RFC1459 implementation being known as "ircII" (IRC 2).

El documento esta en http://achurch.org/irc3/

PD: Controlar el "quoteo" por favor.

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