[pybsddb] bsddb

Janusz Szmidt j.szmidt at neostrada.pl
Sun Mar 14 21:11:26 CET 2010

To all
durind execution one of files from bsddb packege I got the error message

python /home/janusz/bsddb3-4.8.3/Lib/bsddb/__init__.py

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/janusz/bsddb3-4.8.3/Lib/bsddb/__init__.py", line 59, in <module>

    from bsddb.dbutils import DeadlockWrap as _DeadlockWrap

  File "/home/janusz/bsddb/__init__.py", line 344

    def hashopen(file, flag='c', mode=0o666, pgsize=None, ffactor=None, nelem=None,


SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I need this file to execute some module and then the some error occurs.

I work in Python 2.5.4 on 32 bit Debian 2.6

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