[pybsddb] Bulk Data load into a DB

Joepaul Puthenangadi joepaulp at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 26 23:38:01 CET 2010

Hi there,

Was reading through the documentation and found something on the oracle website about the possibility of loading bulk key and values into a hash or btree db using the flag = DB_MULTIPLE. Not trying to be picky or anything just wanted to know whether that is something yet to be implemented to bsddb3 module.?

Again thanks a lot for the wonderful module.

Thanks again

#Sample code

from bsddb3 import db

db1 = db.DB()

keys = ('key1','key2','key3')
val = ('10','15','20')

db1.put(keys, val, None, DB_MULTIPLE)

This did not work. Any thoughts.?


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