[pybsddb] How to install bsdbb?

lasizoillo lasizoillo at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 23:35:06 CEST 2010

2010/10/25  <alanpae at ilkda.com>:
> Hi,
> I've been hunting around for some tutorial on how to properly build and
> install python with bsdbb support but haven't been having much luck.
> I'm using a stock OpenSolaris system which has python 2.6.4 installed by
> default.  Apparently I need both socket and bsddb support for the RSS
> Feed Reader called straw.
> Socket support seems to work ok but I can't figure out how to get bsddb
> support.

> Any suggestions?

You have installed pybsddb library wich is imported via "import
bsddb3", but your program try to use standard bsddb library via
"import bsddb". The bsddb module must be included in your standard
python distribution, but some package managers are very creatives.

I don't know anything about opensolaris' package system. But they must
provide a solution (variants or aditional package).

This mailing list is about bsddb3 module, but maybe you are lucky and
someone uses opensolaris here.

You can do a dirty (very very dirty) hack monkey patching bsddb module
with bsddb3. But you don't want, isn't?



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