[pybsddb] Request for comments: Renaming the project

Jesus Cea jcea at jcea.es
Tue Nov 17 00:03:30 CET 2020

On 9/11/20 15:09, Michał Górny wrote:
> On Mon, 2020-11-09 at 14:50 +0100, Jesus Cea wrote:
>> I am about to release a Python 3 *ONLY* of this project. I don't want to
>> call it "bsddb3" because it would break Python 2 installations.
> Just FYI, I don't think this would happen.  If the metadata clearly
> indicates it requires python3, the newer versions of pip will install
> the older version on python2.

I was not aware of it. Thanks.

Anyway, the upgrade is not transparent. Most code will need
(straightforward) changes. For instance, now Keys and Values are Bytes
instead of strings, and I have dropped some code that I think that
nobody uses anymore (I can revert that if needed).

> Plus, all the distributions already
> handle py2-vs.-py3 correctly in their packages.

I am not sure I correctly understand this. Could yo possibly explain?.
> 'berkdb' seems to be free as well, if you want a shorter name.  Or even
> 'bdb', unless that's refused too.

Not bad suggestions, thanks. Finally I chose to be explicit and named it
"berkeleydb". Somebody favoring a shorted identifier could just do
"import berkeleydb as bdb".

Jesús Cea Avión                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
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