[pybsddb] pybsddb 6.2.9

Jesus Cea jcea at jcea.es
Sun Nov 29 21:43:41 CET 2020

On 28/11/20 22:02, Matthias Klose wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm packaging pybsddb for Debian and Ubuntu. Just saw the changelog for .9 saying:
>   * For some reason, 6.2.8 release was incomplete. Let's try again.
> However the release is missing the pre-generated documentation. Was this intended?

Yes, documentation is online:


In particular:

> Also https://www.jcea.es/programacion/pybsddb.htm says:
>   bsddb3 supports up to Python 3.9. It will not support Python 3.10.
> So pybsddb3 will be discontinued?

"bsddb3" (Python 2/3) is being replaced with "berkeleydb" Python library
(Python 3 only): Code cleanup and dropping support for Python 2. You can
find the details in the same page:

- In the Green box at the very beginning of

- Changelog:
https://www.jcea.es/programacion/pybsddb.htm#berkeleydb-18.1.0 . The
rationale for the name change is explained there.

Code migration is needed, but the upgraded should be mostly trivial. I
would like to get some feedback, nevertheless.

If I can help you, let me know.

Jesús Cea Avión                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
jcea at jcea.es - https://www.jcea.es/    _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
Twitter: @jcea                        _/_/    _/_/          _/_/_/_/_/
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