[pybsddb] Error message when install Berkeley DB Please help.

Decao Yin decao.yin at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 20:32:34 CEST 2024

Good day.

I'm not sure I did it correctly.

   1. I downloaded  Oracle Berkeley DB 18.1 and extract the files to a
   folder C:\Users\yindecao\Downloads\db-18.1.40
   2. Inside the folder, there is a subfolder -build_windows, and I clicked
   the file Berkeley_DB_vs2015.sln
   3. Then, my visual studio 2022 poped out, I right click
   'Berkeley_DB_vs2015', and select build.
   4. Now it is completed
   5. The db.h file is in the
   folder C:\Users\yindecao\Downloads\db-18.1.40\build_windows
   6. There is a libdb181d.dll file in the
   folder C:\Users\yindecao\Downloads\db-18.1.40\build_windows\x64\Debug

Please instruct me if any step is not correctly carried out, thank you.

Best regards

Jesus Cea <jcea at jcea.es> 于2024年4月25日周四 19:41写道:

> On 25/4/24 8:18, Decao Yin wrote:
> > Thank you for your advice.
> > I have downloaded the Oracle Berkeley DB 18.1, and extracted it.
> OK. Install the library in your system, standard location.
> Tell me the directory where the header file (".h") is and where the DLL
> file is. This is needed for my code to locate them.
> --
> Jesús Cea Avión                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
> jcea at jcea.es - https://www.jcea.es/    _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
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> "El amor es poner tu felicidad en la felicidad de otro" - Leibniz


*                                      Decao Yin 尹德操*

Mobile: +47 919 97 166
Email: decao.yin at gmail.com
Trondheim, Norway
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