[IRC-DEV] Re: Impedir cambio de nicks sin usar baneos.

ais ais at pobox.com
Mon Aug 26 12:40:06 CEST 2002

* Óscar García <red_star23 at yahoo.es> [2002-08-26 11:26 (CEST)]

> Aunque la hubiese, es tan fácil saltártelo como salir
> del canal, cambiarte el nick y volver a entrar.
> ¿Solucionado? No...

> Lo mismo ocurre con los banes, pero como se aplica a
> una persona es más fácil de rastrear ese "cambio" y
> volver a banearle o similar.

O banear por la dirección IP

> Espero que no sea considerada esta respuesta un
> "flame". Por cierto, ¿alguien me explica su
> sifnificado? Verlo lo veo por todo tipo de listas,
> aunque deduzco su significado no sé si estoy en lo
> cierto.

Extracto del jargon-file en attach...

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:flame  1. /vi./ To post an email message intended to insult
   and provoke.  2. /vi./ To speak incessantly and/or rabidly on
some relatively uninteresting subject or with a patently
ridiculous attitude.  3. /vt./ Either of senses 1 or 2, directed
with hostility at a particular person or people.  4. /n./ An
instance of flaming.

   When a discussion degenerates into useless controversy, one
might tell the participants "Now you're just flaming" or "Stop
all that flamage!" to try to get them to cool down (so to

   The term may have been independently invented at several
different places. It has been reported from MIT, Carleton
College and RPI (among many other places) from as far back as

   It is possible that the hackish sense of `flame' is much
older than that. The poet Chaucer was also what passed for a
wizard hacker in his time; he wrote a treatise on the astrolabe,
the most advanced computing device of the day. In Chaucer's
"Troilus and Cressida", Cressida laments her inability to grasp
the proof of a particular mathematical theorem; her uncle
Pandarus then observes that it's called "the fleminge of
wrecches."  This phrase seems to have been intended in context
as "that which puts the wretches to flight" but was probably
just as ambiguous in Middle English as "the flaming of wretches"
would be today.  One suspects that Chaucer would feel right at
home on Usenet.
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