[MAC] Pixar se pasa al G5

furella furella at terra.es
Thu Mar 11 00:44:41 CET 2004

Noticia vista en MacNN

  Apple seminar reveals Pixar's switch to OS X, G5s
   Wednesday, March 10, 2004 @ 11:35am

  Pixar is switching to Mac OS X and will be using Power Mac G5s for its 
work, according to a MacNN reader who attended Apple's Uncompressed for 
Final Cut Pro seminar in New York on Wednesday morning. In his Keynote 
presentation, Apple's Don Peebeles said that Pixar has used Linux and 
Intel-based architecture in 2003, but that Pixar was switching to Mac 
OS X and G5 workstations for its production work: "Peebles went on to 
say that this switch was 'a move that no doubt made common CEO Steve 
Jobs very happy.' According to Peebles, Pixar challenged Apple to come 
up with a way to review HD quality video on the desktop at a reduced 
file size but keeping the quality. Of course the technology they 
developed (with Pixar) was based on Wavelet compression and named 
accordingly, 'Pixlet'. With this impressive technology, the new G5 
systems and OS X's Unix underpinning, all the pieces were in place."

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