[pybsddb] Win32 Install help

Jesus Cea jcea at jcea.es
Thu Mar 25 04:16:27 CET 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 03/23/2010 09:45 PM, Joepaul Puthenangadi wrote:

> "No such file or directory: 'db/include\\db.h'"

I guess the first "/" should be changed to "\\" in Windows, but I am not
going to change anything until "somebody" can build the lib successfully
under this environment...

> Reading the setup2.py in notes in it talks about
> # So to make things easier, I'm just going to exepect that the DB 
> stuff # has been moved to the ./db directory. There's an
> updatedb.bat file to # help.
> Am I suppose to move the files to any directory .? I couldn't find 
> the updatedb.bat file in the bsddb3-4.8.3 folder.
> Also going through the Readme file it talks about the
> # If you are on a Win32 system then you can just get the binary # 
> installer and run it and then you'll be all set.
> Couldn't find any windows installer too. Is there a way I can get 
> this working, I am sorry if it is too obvious.

I can't compile Windows stuff myself, so these sections in the
documentation are badly outdated. Sorry.

> tried some variations of --lflags="-Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker

Hope you are successful!. If you do, please let me know the details, to
improve the docs. And to integrate any change you need in the code.

Also, I need a volunteer to build Windows binaries when I do a new
release :-)...

- -- 
Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
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